Cultural Solutions For Lasting & Positive Transformation

All too often, organizations focus exclusively on financial and business functions during a disruption, reorganization, merger, acquisition or other major event. It is easy to forget the consequences these occurrences have on your employees’ engagement and job satisfaction. Many times, feelings of fear, worry and the “unknown” can significantly impact the outcome of such actions.

At Culture Keen, we specialize in the human component of change and have a strong track record of fostering a cohesive culture while building trust and connection with the overarching objective to attract and retain high-quality talent.

Solutions for Cultural Change

Using four powerful tools, Culture Keen facilitates the human side of change, driving employee engagement for revenue growth.

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At Culture Keen, we use surveys differently. We gather data that evaluates personnel engagement and employee satisfaction. We work with our clients to address their specific organizational needs and customize questionnaires to uncover where their company has opportunities for improvement.

Each participant is invited to reflect on their personal work experience, how their contribution aligns with the company mission and where they can have greater impact on the firm’s overall success. This unique approach delivers meaningful insights that creates transparency for leadership and develops programs that can cultivate employee engagement and change.

The employee experience survey invites employees to share:

  • What they love about their work.

  • Where and how they can do more.

  • The ways they can contribute to the company’s success.

Photo of people taking survey

Our surveys invite employees to evaluate their personal work experiences and not judge the behavior of their work colleagues, a process which has proven to erode office culture, create distrust and breed gossip rather than valuable metrics.

Leadership development

Establishing trust in the workplace

Change management

Strategic planning and goal setting

Conflict resolution

Effective teamwork

Time management

Accountability and goal setting

Collaboration, acceptance and fostering a cohesive culture

Clear communication including respectful listening and speaking

High-performance teams communicate and collaborate well. They know how to value each member’s contribution to the group and its mission. Our team transformation service comprises virtual or on-site immersion meetings where team members work together to recognize their individual and collective strengths, weaknesses, blind spots and dysfunctions.

Our guided sessions help team members explore and discuss issues that may include:

Graphic of a man

How to hold themselves accountable.

Graphic of a woman

The best ways to communicate and collaborate.

Graphic of a man

The value of agreeing on the desired outcome.

Graphic of a woman

Positive exploration and conversation.

The team comes together to find strategies and solutions to resolve the issues identified during discovery with leadership,”

—Cynthia Greenfield, CPCC, Founder, Culture Keen

The team comes together to find strategies and solutions to resolve the issues identified during discovery with leadership,”

—Cynthia Greenfield, CPCC, Founder, Culture Keen

Individual coaching is designed to evolve the management skills of executives, team leads and future leaders more quickly than they could under their own steam. It is also helpful for those leaders facing specific challenges.

Photo of two business women

Examples include:

  • 1 Taking action to build team trust, collaboration and accountability.
  • 2 Handling difficult employees or those facing challenges.
  • 3 Leading people to embrace the company vision.
  • 4 Building resiliency through impending change.
  • 5 Creating cultural unification in the workplace.

The approach is direct, straightforward and results-driven to elevate one’s personal and professional mindset to accomplish the desired outcomes.

Coaching is for people ready to make meaningful and impactful change. You need to commit to doing the hard work, holding yourself accountable and embracing your authentic leadership style.”

—Cynthia Greenfield, CPCC, Founder, Culture Keen

Coaching is for people ready to make meaningful and impactful change. You need to commit to doing the hard work, holding yourself accountable and embracing your authentic leadership style.”

—Cynthia Greenfield, CPCC, Founder, Culture Keen

All hands events are one of the best ways for an organization to share its evolving vision and recognize exceptional talent. However, the way you create, structure and deliver your information is critical.

Photo of group of people around a table

As facilitators, Culture Keen can ensure your audience understands:

What constitutes success.

How the dots are connected.

Their value and how to engage and contribute.

All hands events are an opportunity to appreciate every individual and show gratitude for all the current growth and success. The experience should emphasize how the workplace is a fun, engaging, and welcoming place to share your true self and your best ideas. It fosters a culture of trust, safety and innovation that creates raving fans and helps with talent development, retention and attraction.