
Photo of young people taking online survey

What to Know About Employee Engagement Surveys

By Cynthia Greenfield | October 13, 2022

It all starts with “why”. When I wrote my business plan for Culture Keen, I spent a lot of energy asking why I wanted to help companies build resilient and compelling workplace cultures. My answer: I am passionate about helping executive teams create a vibrant workplace environment, improve employee engagement, build a roadmap to retain/attract…

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Graphic of scales representing work life balance

Quiet Quitting: What it means for your business

By Cynthia Greenfield | October 11, 2022

Some of you may have heard about the new office buzz word “Quiet Quitting”. Social media has many videos inviting people to choose a less work centric lifestyle and encouraging the twenty-something generation to set clear boundaries between their work and personal lives. This workplace revolution is having impact on the way people are doing…

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Photo of two women shaking hands

What it’s like working with an Executive Coach

By Cynthia Greenfield | October 11, 2022

I had a coaching call with a client today – a professional in the tech industry – he was asking for coaching regarding his career. He is obviously bright and talented and wanting to be thoughtful with his next career move. I so respect these clients who come asking to create a partnership in their…

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